b'Strengthening the LegacyEstablished in 2008 by the Government of Canada, the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund (CFWWIRF) was entrusted to the Shevchenko Foundation as steward of the Fund. The activities of the Fund including project funding have been effectively overseen over the term of the funding agreement by an Endowment Council which includes representation from the affected ethnocultural communities and internee descendants. In accordance with the funding agreement, the capital remains at $10M while the interest earned under our stewardship has consistently funded a wide range of projects that inform and educate Canadians about Canadas First National Internment Operations 1914-1920. On May 9, 2023, the funding agreement with the Government of Canada expires. However, in accordance with the agreement, the funds will continue to be managed by the Shevchenko Foundation and used to support projects that commemorate and recognize the experiences of ethno-cultural communities affected by the First World War internment.The Shevchenko Foundation expresses gratitude to the Chair of the CFWWIRF Endowment Council, Borys Sirskyj, for his effective leadership in ensuring the realization of many worthy projects that serve to educate Canadians about this tragic period in Canadian history. The Shevchenko Foundation recognizes the contribution of all past Endowment Council Chairs and members to furthering the mission of the Fund. A special thank you is extended to all internee descendants who embrace and share their familial histories with Canadians. Only through your stories can we truly understand the lingering effect of the internment operations on individuals, families, and their communities. We look forward to strengthening the legacy of the CFWWIRF by promoting our values of inclusivity, excellence, and innovation in the spirit of partnership and cooperation.28'