b'Message from the ChairOn behalf of the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund (CFWWIRF), I am pleased to present an overview of the final annual report of the CFWWIRF for projects in the fiscal year 2022-2023. As this was the last year of the CFWWIRF fifteen-year mandate, we take this opportunity to thank all Endowment Council members who worked collectively to support a vast number of projects that commemorated and educated Canadians about Canadas first national internment operations.The Endowment Council approved 18 grants in this fiscal year totalling $536,702.68.Since the inception of the CFWWIRF, the Endowment Council has awarded $5,949,862 in grants. The approved grants have funded various projects, including historical exhibits, books, commemorative plaques/statues, films, internee cemeteries, historical research, artistic endeavours, virtual and augmented realty, and educational resources, among others. Over this past fiscal year (2022-2023), The Canadian Museum of History officially launched its traveling exhibit Lost Liberties, The War Measures Act; The National Internment Art exhibit, Pause in Plight by Winnipeg artist Kerri Parnell, continued its cross Canada tour. Another educational project was the development of an interactive Internment Walking Tour App by On This Spot Inc. for all 24 Canadian World War One internment camp sites. This years focus was for a smooth transition to the Shevchenko Foundation WWI internment grant program to ensure that this tragic page continues to be accurately reflected in the Canadian mainstream narrative.-Borys Sirskyj, Chair Endowment Council of the CFWWIRFCOURTESY OF ON THIS SPOT INC.29'