Imagine being forced to defend your home, your life and the lives of your family members, defend your right to live freely on your own territory from ruthless and relentless aggression. Now imagine resisting this aggression for 730 straight days.

Unimaginable for most Canadians but such has been life for the people of Ukraine for two long and painful years – daily life filled with human loss and suffering, tears and grief, broken hearts and lost futures. The toll on the Ukrainian family will impact the nation for generations.

Victims of the war are also symbols of the nation’s historical and cultural legacies – museums, libraries, theatres, and art galleries, religious and educational institutions. The toll on the nation’s culture will impact the world for generations.

But Ukraine stands strong. And we, as Canadians, must stand equally as strong with Ukraine. The Ukrainian identity is more distinct, and undeniably more powerful, than ever before. The values for which the Ukrainian people are sacrificing so many lives, so many futures, are the same values we hold dear and so often take for granted.

“As Canadians, we have a moral obligation to stand firmly with the defenders and people of Ukraine. They are protecting the unique Ukrainian identity that, through the contributions to Canada of Ukrainian Canadians throughout history, is integral to the Canadian experience,” stated Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) President Boris Balan. “TSF stands with Ukraine in its commitment to the continued growth and evolution of our dynamic Ukrainian culture in Canada. We trust that the support of all Canadians will remain strong until the day of victory.”

We pray for the safety of those who must daily endure the horrors of war and for the many Ukrainians scattered across the globe separated from their loved ones. We pray for victory and peace in Ukraine.

On February 24 join a rally in your local community. Let us pause on this road to victory to remember the great sacrifices of the Ukrainian people over the past 730 days – military and civilian alike. May our memory of the victims remain eternal. Vichnaia pamiat! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes!

For a list of Canadian events visit Ukrainian Canadian Congress