Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble


The following FAQs apply to all grant, scholarship, and bursary programs. The word “grant” is used for brevity to include all these programs.

1. Where is the Shevchenko Foundation office located?

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

For more information on the history of the Shevchenko Foundation, click here.

2. In what time zone does the Shevchenko Foundation office operate?

Central Time.

3. What if I don’t have all my materials available in time for a grant deadline?

You can still submit everything that you have on time, and the Grants Officer will follow-up with you regarding the remaining materials. It is more important to get an incomplete application submitted on time, than to wait and risk a late submission not being accepted.

4. Do I have to be Ukrainian or Ukrainian Canadian to apply for a grant?

No – there are some Scholarships that are specifically for Ukrainian Canadian students or for Ukrainian students, but any Canadian Creative or Canadian organization can apply for a grant from the Shevchenko Foundation.

5. If I have submitted a grant application but would like to make a change, what should I do?

E-mail the change to the Grants Officer.

6. What are the timelines for fund disbursement for successful grant applications?

For the April 1 deadline the Board of Directors finalizes its allocations at the end of June, and cheques are issued to successful grantees in mid-July.

For the October 1 deadline the Board of Directors finalizes its allocations at the end of November, and cheques are issued to successful grantees in mid-December.

7. Does the Shevchenko Foundation provide support letters to creatives for other grant applications?

No. The Shevchenko Foundation does not provide support letters to grantees with which to approach other potential funders or partners.

8. What if my event is in a short period of time and falls outside of the grant cycle timelines?

You can review the Specialty Programs section of the Funding page to see if there are any other programs that align with your initiative.

You can also e-mail the Grants Officer with a specific question.

9. If my budget does not fit in the budget document of the grant application form, can I include a separate budget document?

Yes. Please feel free to attach as much supplemental information or detail as you would like.

10. If my support letters are late, can I still submit my application?

Yes. We understand that support letters are a labour of love and cannot always be provided on the timeline required. Kindly notify the Grants Officer by e-mail stating that you are waiting for said letter, and note the name of the person and the expected timeline for receiving the letter.