Planned Giving

Giving for Our Legacy, Our Tomorrow

Supporters choose to leave gifts to the Shevchenko Foundation in their wills or estate, knowing that it will mean many lifetimes of support for the efforts of their children, their grandchildren and all others who recognize the value of developing and supporting Ukrainian culture and heritage. The spirit of your gift will endure forever.

You can make a difference with a gift in your will to the Shevchenko Foundation, while still taking care of those you love. Use the GIFTABULATOR® to see your potential impact.

Our Promise to You: We respect your privacy and recognize that making a gift in your will is a personal choice. We are committed to work with you to continue your charitable work in perpetuity to ensure a strong and viable future for the Ukrainian community in Canada.

Planned Giving Factsheet

Consider these basic questions to help in your planning.

Will Planning Workbook

Our workbook will help guide you in planning your will.

Kobzar Fellowship

How can I become a member of the Kobzar Fellowship?

Kobzar Fellowship Declaration Form

Make your gift known.

Members of the Kobzar Fellowship

Thank you for your generosity.