Every March, the Shevchenko Foundation commemorates the work of poet Taras Shevchenko by distributing thousands of bookmarks to children across Canada who are enrolled in Ukrainian language classes in public, private, and Saturday schools. All Ukrainian dance schools and ensembles also receive this souvenir art piece miniature, which for some has become a collector’s item.

We ask for artists to create an art piece that depicts the chosen literary excerpt from Shevchenko’s poems. This year’s excerpt is from the poem “Petrus’”-  “Огні, горять…”/ “Fires burn…”. The original Ukrainian-language version, and English translation appear below.

The selected art work will be used in the 2020 March campaign. The successful artist will receive $1,000.00 for the original art work selected.

The image should be suitable in its dimensions to be reproduced as a bookmark i.e. long and narrow.  The finished bookmark size is 2” x 7.5”.  Please ensure that there is room around your image in case it needs to be cropped slightly. Scans should be a minimum of 400dpi.

These campaigns have become successful educational tools from the Shevchenko Foundation. They also serve as a great venue for exposing the artist to a very large audience. If you are interested get in touch with our office toll free: 1-866-524-5314 or email bohdana@shevchenkofoundation.ca

The deadline for submissions of art work for the March Campaign bookmark is January 17, 2020.


Огні, горять…

Огні, горять, музика грає,

Музика плаче, завиває!

Алмазом добрим, дорогим

Сіяють очі молодії,

Вітає радість і надія

В очах веселих. Любо їм

Очам негрішним, молодим!

І всі регочуться, сміються,

І всі танцюють. Тілько я,

Неначе заклятий, дивлюся

І нишком плачу, плачу я…

             Тарас Шевченко, 1850 Оренбург


Fires burn

Fires burn, music plays,

The singer soars and wails;

Like fine expensive diamonds

Youthful eyes all glisten;

Joy and hope fill happy eyes,

Eyes contented, young and pure.

All are boisterous, laughing,

Everyone is dancing,

Only I, as if accursed,

Look and cry in secret…

Taras Shevchenko, 1850 Orenburg