Congratulations to CUF Bursary recipients!

Congratulations to CUF Bursary recipients!

The Shevchenko Foundation congratulates the recipients of the CUF Bursary Fund for Displaced Post-Secondary Ukrainian Students. The Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) and the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) announced the new bursary on June 1 to provide financial assistance...
Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

As we mark Canada Day on July 1, we acknowledge the complex history of this land we all call home. This day is an opportunity for all of us, from every walk of life, to look back, to learn, and to grow. It’s a time for gratitude, reflection, and unity. Canada...
What’s new in June!

What’s new in June!

In this issue of our e-bulletin: NEW CUF bursary for displaced students A farewell to two of our long-standing directors Summer festival update And a great idea for Father’s Day Read our news here
In Memoriam: Danny Schur

In Memoriam: Danny Schur

The Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) is profoundly saddened by the death in Winnipeg on April 10, 2023, of composer, writer, theatre and film producer, and long-time friend of the Foundation Danny Schur. Danny was a multi-talented creative artist who loved his Ukrainian...