26,100 donors from hundreds of villages, small towns and large cities, made their gift in support of building the Monument to our father-Taras and subconsciously laid the foundation for the next structure that will live and work even when we are gone. This structure is the million-dollar Taras Shevchenko Foundation.

Seventh Congress of Ukrainians in Canada, July 5-7, 1962


On July 22, 1963, an Act of the Parliament of Canada incorporated the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko whose objects included:

  • to receive donations, contributions, and legacies from donors and to invest such receipts in accordance with the provisions of this act; and
  • to use the income from such investments for the purpose of promoting and advancing the Ukrainian culture in Canada.

The Act was the result of the visionary leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee (today’s Ukrainian Canadian Congress or UCC).

The UCC understood that the preservation and promotion of our culture were critical to the future of the Ukrainian community and identity in Canada. It also recognized that this ongoing effort required a permanent and reliable financial resource.

With a modest $30,000 investment, and the generosity of its donors, the Shevchenko Foundation has grown and thrived over 60 years to invest more than $12 million back into the community through grants and sponsorships, scholarships, bursaries, and awards.

We invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone in the history of the Foundation! Throughout the coming year we will be unveiling new projects and initiatives, and sharing the stories that remind us who we are and where we belong.

Please stay tuned to our channels for updates and how you can get involved. Let’s move into the future together as we continue to build a stronger community and inspire artists to tell the great Ukrainian Canadian story.
