In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Shevchenko Bookmark Campaign, we are excited to announce a nationwide Children’s Bookmark Contest to encourage a new generation of visual artists and a new generation of readers of Taras Shevchenko’s poems.

How it works

Children up to the age of 14 are invited to enter their own original bookmark inspired by this year’s poem – “Бандуристе, орле сизий”/”Bandurist, my blue-grey eagle”.

Н. МАРКЕВИЧУ                                                 TO N. MARKEVICH

(Бандуристе, орле сизий)

Бандуристе, орле сизий,                                   Bandurist, my blue-grey eagle,

Добре тобі, брате!                                             Your fortunes can soar high!

Маєш крила, маєш силу,                                    For you have wings, and you have strength

Є коли літати!                                                     And time in which to fly.

Тепер лети в Україну,                                        They wait for you in our Ukraine –

Тебе виглядають;                                               There fly with vigour free!

Полетів би за тобою,                                          I, too, would fly along with you,

Та хто привітає?                                                 But who would welcome me?


Тарас Шевченко, 1840 Петербург                     Taras Shevchenko, 1840 St. Petersburg

Translated by C.H. Andrusyshen


Download and print the Children’s Bookmark Template:

Send the finished bookmark and the completed Entry Form to:

Shevchenko Foundation
202-952 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB  R2W 3P4


  • Submissions are due by Friday, May 14th, 2021
  • One winner per province will be randomly selected for a pizza party prize for a group of 10.
  • Winners will be notified on Monday, May 17th, 2021
  • By entering the Contest, you agree to let the Shevchenko Foundation post your child’s artwork on social media and/or the website.


Contact the Shevchenko Foundation through email at with any questions.


For every submitted bookmark, $10 will be generously donated to the Shevchenko Foundation by the Ukrainian Credit Union!

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