With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting effect on global markets, the Shevchenko Foundation reassures its valued community partners that the investment strategies adopted by the Shevchenko Foundation Investment Committee designed to mitigate market volatility are proving successful.

In addition to assuring the long-term financial stability of our funds, we remain committed to  ensuring that resources will be available to aid in the sustainability of our community organizations and their programs. Together, our Board and staff have made the decision that the Spring grant deadline will be postponed to April 14th so that we can more efficiently and effectively assist organizations affected by this pandemic.

We understand that this is a stressful time for everyone, and if history is any indication, it is wise to stay invested for the long term. With our portfolio managers we continue to monitor and review our well diversified investment portfolio.

We assure you of our continued support and leadership throughout this period of heightened risk and uncertainty.

Thank you for your unwavering support of the Shevchenko Foundation.


Board of Directors and Investment Committee,

Shevchenko Foundation