As we mark Canada Day on July 1, we acknowledge the complex history of this land we all call home. This day is an opportunity for all of us, from every walk of life, to look back, to learn, and to grow. It’s a time for gratitude, reflection, and unity.

Canada Day is more than just a celebration. It’s a reminder that this land has been a meeting place of cultures, a tapestry of many threads, and a testament to the spirit of diversity and togetherness. Today, we honour the Indigenous communities who first called this land home, and we recognize the resilience and strength of these cultures that enrich the fabric of our nation.

In this spirit, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every Canadian for the unwavering support as we aid our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Your empathy and solidarity have lit our path in these trying times. It’s in these moments we are reminded of the true essence of what it means to be Canadian – being there for one another, understanding each other’s struggles, and standing together in unity.

So, on this Canada Day, let’s remember that our strength lies in our diversity. Let’s cherish the connections we’ve built, the cultures we’ve come to understand, and the collective purpose that binds us. Let’s continue to create a Canada that is truly for all, a place where every voice matters, and where every person feels at home.

Happy Canada Day, from all of us at the Shevchenko Foundation! #OneCultureStrong