As we approach the close of another impactful year, we thank our donors and supporters who continue to demonstrate a shared belief in the importance of celebrating and preserving our Ukrainian culture in Canada. You have played a crucial role in advancing our mission while we have seen the tangible effects of your dedication, touching the lives of individuals and communities alike.

A special thank you to the volunteers across Canada who work daily to keep our community strong while continuing to support Ukrainian newcomers to Canada. It’s been wonderful to see how many newcomers have embraced the communities that have welcomed them with open hearts.

We applaud the artists who creatively share our story.

We pray for the people of Ukraine as they courageously withstand the relentless attempt to eradicate all that is Ukrainian. May the new year be victorious.

In 2024 we hope you’ll join TSF in celebrating 60 years of supporting Ukrainian cultural expression in Canada – its beauty, passion, and resilience.

Together, we are one culture strong!

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!


In 2023 TSF proudly supported the newly-founded Ottawa Ukrainian Children’s Choir led by conductor Oleksii Fishchuk. We are pleased to share with you their beautiful medley of Christmas carols. CLICK HERE TO ENJOY!