Throughout history Canadians have always fought courageously on the front lines of conflicts around the world, laying down their lives in defence of the democratic principles we hold dear.

Sadly, on this Remembrance Day in 2022, war rages in Europe. The ruthless Russian aggressor is committing yet another genocide of the Ukrainian people who remain unbowed in their fight for the right to be Ukrainian on Ukrainian land. Canadians have joined this fight as well, volunteering to fight alongside the Ukrainians, understanding the imminent threat to global peace and security.

Today, we honour the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, and we vow to never forget their courage and selflessness.

We pay tribute to all Ukrainians who served in the Canadian and other armed forces, securing a brighter future for generations to follow.

We remember the daily sacrifices of the Ukrainian armed forces as they continue to fight the aggressor on their native soil.

We say a special thank you to the families of the Canadian men who deemed their lives worth sacrificing in support of the values and principles being defended by the Ukrainian people. Memory eternal!

To all who continue to serve, we say thank you – for safeguarding our peace while reminding us that it can never be taken for granted.

Lest we forget…