Serge Radchuk, QC

1926 – 2021

The Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko expresses deep sorrow on the passing on September 22, 2021, of former President Serge Radchuk, QC.

Born in 1926 in Western Ukraine, Serge Radchuk lived a full, active life through a tumultuous period in history. Fleeing his homeland during WW II and finding refuge in a Displaced Persons’ camp in Germany, Serge was blessed to be sponsored for immigration to Canada.

First arriving in Saskatchewan, Serge Radchuk settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he completed several post-secondary degrees. He earned his Doctorate Degree in Law in 1977 in Munich, Germany, and in 1980 he was appointed Queen’s Counsel. He successfully practiced law for over 60 years.

Throughout his life, the Ukrainian community played an important role. He dedicated his talents and time to many organizations, including serving as President of the National Ukrainian Canadian Congress, proudly promoted Ukrainian culture and firmly believed in the role of multiculturalism in building a stronger Canada.

The Shevchenko Foundation was one of many organizations that benefited from Serge Radchuk’s leadership and active participation. Serving as President of the Foundation from 1981-1991, Serge Radchuk focused his efforts on broadening the reach of the TSF, ensuring that the Board was reflective of the entire country and that donors understood that their contribution was helping to build an endowment fund for the benefit of all Ukrainians in Canada. 

“Serge Radchuk was a visionary whose experience and active participation in community life helped raised the profile of the Shevchenko Foundation in Canada,” stated TSF President Boris Balan. “Under his leadership, the Foundation promoted pride in the community’s joint accomplishments and significant role in Canadian nation-building.”

Serge Radchuk was the recipient of numerous awards and recognition, including the Order of Canada, the Bulava Award for outstanding leadership in the Ukrainian community, and the 150 Award from the Manitoba Provincial Council for his contribution to preserving the Ukrainian Canadian community in Manitoba.

The Board of Directors and Management of the Shevchenko Foundation express sincerest condolences to Leona Radchuk, daughters Julie and Natalie, and their families on the loss of their loving husband, father and grandfather. The Ukrainian community has lost a tireless advocate who will be remembered fondly.

May his memory remain eternal!

Вічна Йому Пам’ять!

Photo courtesy Norbert K. Iwan