Winnipeg – The Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko is pleased to announce the shortlisted titles for the 2022 KOBZAR™ Book Award.

Presented biennially, the $25,000 KOBZAR™ Book Award recognizes outstanding contributions to Canadian literary arts by authors who write on a topic with a tangible connection to the experiences of Ukrainian Canadians. As the Ukrainian community celebrates 130 years in Canada, the Ukrainian stories are limitless. KOBZAR™ Book Award entries can weave through fascinating moments in world history, acquaint us with the lives of both one and the many, introduce us to the challenges of different generations and waves of immigration. Ultimately, they paint a picture of a people that proudly continues to shape the Canada we know today.

Distinctive to this Award is monetary recognition for both the winner and the winner’s publisher.

This year’s jury, Kerry Clare (49th Shelf), Laisha Rosnau (Author and winner of the KOBZAR™ Book Award 2020), and Ben Sigurdson (Winnipeg Free Press), is very excited to include on the shortlist a novel, a graphic novel, and a book of poetry – three styles of literature as diverse as the Ukrainian Canadian experiences which the KOBZAR™ Book Award strives to recognize.

The shortlisted titles for the 2022 KOBZAR™ Book Award are:


Enemy Alien: A True Story of Life Behind Barbed Wire

by Kassandra Luciuk
illustrator Nicole Marie Burton

Between the Lines 2020



Fields of Light and Stone

by Angeline Schellenberg

University of Alberta Press 2020



Good Citizens Need Not Fear

by Maria Reva

Knopf Canada 2020


The 2022 KOBZAR™ Book Award will be presented on March 24, 2022, at a ceremony in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

KOBZAR™ Book Award Jury

Laisha Rosnau is an award-winning poet and novelist. She is the author of Little Fortress (Wolsak & Wynn, 2019), the best-selling novel, The Sudden Weight of Snow (McClelland & Stewart, 2002), and four critically acclaimed, award-winning collections of poetry, most recently Our Familiar Hunger (Nightwood, 2018). Her work has won the Blue Heron Poetry Prize, the Acorn-Plantos Poetry Award, and the 2020 KOBZAR™ Book Award. Her work has also been nominated for several awards, including the Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award, the Pat Lowther Award, and three times for the CBC Poetry Prize.

Kerry Clare is a National Magazine Award-nominated writer, editor of The M Word: Conversations About Motherhood, and author of two novels, Mitzi Bytes and Waiting for a Star to Fall. She teaches blogging at, is editor of the Canadian books website, and has been a blogger for twenty years, currently at

Kerry Clare is a National Magazine Award-nominated writer, editor of The M Word: Conversations About Motherhood, and author of two novels, Mitzi Bytes and Waiting for a Star to Fall. She teaches blogging at, is editor of the Canadian books website, and has been a blogger for twenty years, currently at