We are very proud to announce that Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has appointed Oryssia Lennie CM, former deputy minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, as the chair of Alberta’s Fair Deal Panel.

“I am proud to appoint Ms. Lennie as the leader of this crucially important panel. Her vast experience in representing the economy and interests of the West and her deep knowledge of federal-provincial relations will prove invaluable as she works with the panel to define and secure a fair deal for Alberta.” – Jason Kenny, Premier of Alberta

“This is an incredibly exciting opportunity to advance our province’s interests on a national level. Working to ensure western voices are heard loud and clear in Ottawa has been an important part of my life’s work. I can’t wait to hear what Albertans have to say about how to make sure we share in all of the benefits that should come with being a part of our great Canadian federation.” – Oryssia Lennie, Chair, Fair Deal Panel

Along with serving as deputy minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, Lennie has worked as the deputy minister of Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs with the Government of Alberta, and has extensive involvement in constitutional and intergovernmental negotiations and internal and international trade policy. She is the recipient of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta’s 2002 Award for Excellence in Public Administration and, in December 2016, she was appointed to the Order of Canada.

Oryssia Lennie is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Shevchenko Foundation.

Congratulations, Oryssia!