The Shevchenko Foundation congratulates Valeriy Semenko for his winning submission of artwork for the 2021 Shevchenko Foundation bookmark, based on the chosen literacy excerpt from Taras Shevchenko’s poem Бандуристе, орле сизий…”/ “Bandurist, my blue-grey eagle…”

Over 35,000 bookmarks will be printed and distributed across Canada to Ukrainian language schools, dance schools and youth organizations.  Donors to Shevchenko Foundation will also be receiving the bookmarker as a token of our appreciation!

Edmonton artist Valeriy Semenko was born in the picturesque part of Western Ukraine, Bukovyna, in 1961. He began his art education at the School of Fine Art in his hometown of Chernivtsi, and later became a student of the Ivan Fedoriv Publishing Academy, Faculty of Graphic Arts, in Lviv, Ukraine.

As a graphic artist he created and published illustrated thematic books and art calendars. His personal artistry and editorial expertise graced numerous art catalogues, posters, and invitations for numerous exhibitions which took place in Germany, France, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

He is a member of the Union of Advertisement Makers of Ukraine. Artworks by Valeriy are in the private collections worldwide.