The Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko is pleased to announce the new officers of the Foundation for the 2020-21 term as appointed during the Annual General Meeting held virtually on June 15, 2020.

The officers of the Foundation for the 2020-21 term are as follows:

  • Andriy Hladyshevsky, Q.C. (Edmonton), President
  • Boris Balan (Toronto), First Vice-President and President-Elect
  • Gordon Gordey (Edmonton), Second Vice-President
  • Scott Armstrong (Winnipeg), Secretary-Treasurer

Recognizing the importance of succession planning to ensure the continuation of strong leadership within the Foundation, the Board appointed a President-Elect to facilitate a seamless transition. Boris Balan will assume the Presidency in July, 2021.

“It is an important component of good governance to review and implement succession planning at the executive level, and, in the case of the Foundation, to also consider the means by which to best ensure regional representation on the Board”, said Mr. Hladyshevsky, Q.C.

Mr. Hladyshevsky, Q.C. is a partner with Dentons LLP, lecturer with the University of Alberta and Law Society of Alberta, and a member of various Canadian academic and cultural boards. He has served as President of the Shevchenko Foundation since 1996.

Mr. Balan is the Vice President of Development with Northland Power and has a wide range of community involvement, including serving as Vice President of the Shevchenko Foundation for over ten years.

Gordon Gordey is retired from a career in the arts, in University academics, and in the public service with the Alberta Human Rights Commission. He is recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the development of theater in Alberta – a librettist, writer, stage director and choreographer.  He has taught at the University of Alberta, Dalhousie University and MacEwan University.

Scott Armstrong is a lawyer by profession and currently works as Senior Bankruptcy Analyst with Industry Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

The Shevchenko Foundation Board of Directors is now comprised of Andriy Hladyshevsky, Q.C. (Edmonton) – President, Boris Balan (Toronto) – First Vice-President and President Elect (2021), Gordon Gordey (Edmonton) – Second Vice-President, Scott Armstrong (Winnipeg) – Secretary-Treasurer, Adrian Boyko (Saskatoon), Oryssia Lennie C.M. (Edmonton), Irka Mycak (Toronto), Lidia Narozniak(Hamilton) and Orest Sklierenko (Toronto).