The people of Ukraine have today awoken to a horrific reality – a further invasion of their country by neighbouring Russia. But this unprovoked war is about more than Ukraine. It is about peace and the security of the European continent and the world. Canadians must continue to #StandwithUkraine as it fights for its freedom and protects other nations from Putin’s brazen advance.

We gratefully acknowledge the firm position of the Canadian government in support of Ukraine. We urge all Canadians to maintain ties with their elected representatives, keeping them informed and urging them to continue and increase this support.

Our prayers remain with the people of Ukraine, and we share the grave concern of Canadians who are separated from their family and friends in Ukraine.

For up-to-date information on the situation in Ukraine as it affects Ukrainians in Canada, and to learn how you can help please follow the Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Canada-Ukraine Foundation and UCC National – Ukrainian Canadian Congress have launched the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

May God protect Ukraine and the Ukrainian people! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes!