Join an event in your local community on February 24!


For 365 days the people of Ukraine have been forced to defend their territory, their homes, their lives – withstanding the ruthless Russian aggressor whose aim is clearly to obliterate the Ukrainian identity.

It has been a year of painful human loss and suffering, tears and grief, broken hearts and lost futures. Families have been separated, children have been kidnapped, and others are fleeing for safety abroad.

Symbols of the nation’s historical and cultural legacies – museums, libraries, theatres, and art galleries, religious and educational institutions – are also victims of the war.

But Ukraine stands strong. The Ukrainian identity is more distinct, and undeniably more powerful, earning the respect and unwavering support of Canadians and the international community.

“We remain grateful to Canadians for continuing to stand with Ukraine, opening their hearts, wallets, and homes to the many displaced by the war. In its role, the Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) has the privilege of supporting artists and cultural initiatives in Canada that will leave their mark on the dynamic Ukrainian culture in all its diversity,” stated TSF President Boris Balan. “On February 24, let’s stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and show the world that Canadians continue to stand with Ukraine. I encourage you to join a rally in your local community.”

We pray for the safety of those who must daily endure the horrors of war and for the many Ukrainians scattered across the globe separated from their loved ones. We pray for victory and peace in Ukraine.

On February 24 let us pause on this road to victory to remember the great sacrifices of the Ukrainian people over the past year – military and civilian alike. May our memory of the victims remain eternal. Vichnaia pamiat! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes!

For a list of Canadian events visit Ukrainian Canadian Congress