What’s new in December?

What’s new in December?

In this issue… Partner with TSF to impact your culture Learn about the artist who designed our 2022 Christmas card Reminders about upcoming deadlines We have not one, but TWO TSF-sponsored entries in the Toronto International Short Film Festival! Learn how to...
James Temerty awarded National Hero Honour

James Temerty awarded National Hero Honour

Congratulations to James Temerty on being recognized by Canada’s Walk of Fame with the National Hero Honour! The award recognizes a Canadian whose selflessness, dedicated efforts, and outstanding contributions have made a significant difference in the lives of others....
Koliada: Be part of our story

Koliada: Be part of our story

Strengthen Ukrainian Canadian culture with your Koliada donation today!   Your support of the Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) has remained steadfast throughout this unprecedented year, and we are grateful. Whether you have donated to support our work or simply shared...
TSF Christmas card designed by Toronto artist

TSF Christmas card designed by Toronto artist

The winning design of the 2022 TSF Christmas card is the Christmas Madonna by Toronto-based painter and graphic artist Andrei Sinitar. A graduate of Kyiv State Art Institute, Andrei’s works highlight the connection between our past and present. Favourite themes...
Join our Board

Join our Board

The Shevchenko Foundation (TSF) is now accepting applications from volunteers who wish to serve on its Board of Directors. Board members are leaders from the nonprofit and/or for-profit sector who are dedicated to the TSF mission, vision, values, and principles. They...
We unite on Holodomor Memorial Day

We unite on Holodomor Memorial Day

In 1932-33, Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Communist regime brutally eliminated millions of innocent Ukrainians with an orchestrated famine known as the Holodomor. This criminal act was the culmination of a genocidal assault on the Ukrainian people causing irreparable...