In Honour and Gratitude

In Honour and Gratitude

Throughout history Canadians have always fought courageously on the front lines of conflicts around the world, laying down their lives in defence of the democratic principles we hold dear. Sadly, on this Remembrance Day in 2022, war rages in Europe. The ruthless...
What’s new in November?

What’s new in November?

In this issue… Opportunities for writers of all ages and experience Call for artists to design 2023 TSF bookmark News from the Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians News about a short film TSF is proud to support Pay it forward – #GivingTuesday is...
Design the 2023 TSF Bookmark

Design the 2023 TSF Bookmark

It has been a long-standing tradition of the Shevchenko Foundation to celebrate the work of Taras Shevchenko by producing a bookmark featuring a unique artwork based on a pre-selected poem. TSF is now accepting submissions for the 2023 bookmark. Thousands of copies of...
Remembering Canada’s First National Internment Operations

Remembering Canada’s First National Internment Operations

October 28 is National Internment Education Day. During Canada’s first national internment operations from 1914-1920, Ukrainians and other Europeans were branded ‘enemy aliens’ and imprisoned needlessly in 24 internment camps throughout Canada. Tens of thousands of...
What’s new in October?

What’s new in October?

  In this issue… Updates on TSF programs and deadlines Read about Shumka’s LOCAL HEROES See who’ll be representing TSF at the upcoming Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians Prepare for National Internment Education Day Did you know that your...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Friends of the Shevchenko Foundation! The Shevchenko Foundation is grateful to be an integral part of the Ukrainian community in Canada. As one, we continue to demonstrate resolve and unwavering unity in strengthening our bond while aiding Ukrainians in Ukraine...